Need to replace your starter or just want faster starts? Consider a Gear Reduction / High Torque replacement for your stock starter available from a multitude of manufacturers.
A gear reduction starter provides more torque to the flywheel to help spin the engine faster which helps the starter to overcome the high compression and heavy rotating mass of the 7.3psd. A faster spinning engine leads to faster starts which is especially helpful in cold environments, when combined with a properly functioning glow plug system and strong batteries, where diesel engines have the most trouble starting.
When choosing a starter we recommend choosing new whenever possible even if you choose to keep an OEM style starter. Although a re-manufactured starter can save lots of money and even come with a replacement warranty the longevity of a reman starter is unpredictable., so unless you don’t mind regularly replacing starters or need to save as much money as possible avoid re-manufactured. Real world experiences show that some reman starters last and some don’t. Unfortunately you have no idea which you have till it fails before you are ready.

Some manufacturers of Gear Reduction / High Torque Starters include Denso, DB Electric, XPD, and Rare Electrical. Gear reduction High Torque starters are available from a plethora of Online Diesel Parts Stores and even Auto Parts Suppliers or you can find them via this websites links to Amazon. There are also cheaper brand options available from eBay and local options Orielly’s, and even NAPA.

Many of the aftermarket options are a tight fit to get the new starter installed. Some find that they have to take a grinder to a cross member while others claim a few gentle taps with a mallet can help get the start in place. Either way be prepared for a hard time getting the starter in place. It also helps to have the wires connected before trying to install the starter.

There are plenty of you tube videos reviewing and showing before and after starting for many of the available gear reduction high torque starters.